A permanent solution to Nigeria’s Mosquito problem

Gone are the days Mosquitoes fear the palms of Man. I’ve never been more terrorized in my whole entire life, apart from the discomfort of the unrelenting biting there is the fear of coming down with Malaria, they pose a double threat and these mosquitoes are actually good for nothing. I hear they pollinate flowers. Is it by force to pollinate flowers? are they the only insects in this world? We must get rid of these vile creatures for good. they have sucked their way into our health concerns,our economy, our culture. I am sure one of the first words our children learn is ”mosquito” then ”Malaria”, this should not be. I know in Nigeria there are many means of managing mosquitoes such as locking doors and windows, using fans and air conditioning, using insecticides (which is not without its health risk) and using mosquito nets. What if you are in an unfortunate situation and do not have electricity for the night, or mosquito nets or insecticides?  what do you do then? absolutely nothing, you can only suffer and lament. What we need is a permanent solution to the mosquito problem. did you know? There are so many species of Mosquitoes and not only can they transmit malaria, but a host of other viral and parasitic diseases. One such disease is the one caused by the ZIKA virus. This virus causes pregnant women to give birth to babies with congenital defects. It is transmitted by a specie of mosquito called Aedes Aegypti (and no they don’t come from Egypt). This mosquito plagues north America and south America with no remorse, so a biotech firm named Oxitec has come up with a potentially permanent solution. This permanent solution involves genetically modified or engineered Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes called the OX513A strain (sounds like something from a Sci-fi movie), this OX513A is a self-limiting strain (meaning it inhibits its own development). OX513A Males, which do not bite or transmit disease, are released to mate with wild females (Wild is an understatement). The offspring of such matings die before becoming adults. With repeated releases of sufficient numbers of these self-limiting males, there is a reduction in the wild population to below the level needed to transmit disease. Five efficacy trials have taken place in Brazil, Panama, and the Cayman Islands. These have all demonstrated that releases of Oxitec’s self-limiting mosquitoes result in reduction of the wild population by more than 90% – an unparalleled level of control. This is good news, because this is a step in the right direction toward a potentially permanent solution, and one day these mosquitoes may finally go extinct. We just hope that one day a genetically modified Anopheles mosquito is engineered and released in Nigeria in order to destroy these vile blood sucking creatures of the night.

The Ebola virus and Its Nigerian Implications


An Epidemic is what they call it ,having killed 672 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone as of the 2nd of August 2014 ,Ebola is a the leading crises in west Africa,but not necessarily the world as the situation in Gaza seems more important.

In the Early days of the Ebola awareness ,one would think Ebola was a new dance made by one of the popular Nigerian musicians ,because of the rapidity that it spread across the country, but unlike one of Davido’s songs ,Ebola gained World wide recognition, it is said to be a deadly virus ,killing 60% of people that got infected with it ,that is 6 out of 10 people infected with the deadly Ebola virus were expected to die , that is if there were 10 Ebola patients in a room and they were away of that statistic they would know among themselves that only 4 of them should recover from the disease . but mortality rates can differ ,depending on how well the Ebola patient is taken cared of, you Don’t actually treat for the Ebola itself, because right now there is no cure for Ebola ,so treatments are symptomatic, you can only treat the symptoms it causes not the actual disease and hope the person with the disease can survive . The Ebola virus causes the Ebola virus disease and as the name suggest is a viral infection and a hemorrhagic fever,  hemorrhagic fevers are bleeding disorders and all can progress to high fever, shock and death in many cases.

A virus and a bacteria seem similar but they seem are quite different ,a bacteria is much more complex than a virus , bacteria are regarded as living things because they do what livings things should do ,on the other hand ,viruses are not really regarded as living things because they lack fundamental characteristics of living things like the ability to reproduce or survive on their own,viruses can only survive in a host cell and can only reproduce in a host cell . Viruses affect only living cells ,Viruses can even affect bacteria, yes a bacteria cell can die from a viral infection ,that is how crazy viruses are .!

There is currently no reported case of Ebola in Nigeria ,except the one Liberian man that died in the country with a case of Ebola ,he traveled to Nigeria and it is possible that he spread it before he died ,But non of the people who are suspected of having contact with him ,have shown any signs of Ebola , Now the thought of the Ebola virus in a populated country like Nigeria is unthinkable not to talk of the outbreak of the Ebola virus in a densely populated area like Lagos which in fact is the most densely populated part of the country, out of the 15 million people residing in Lagos thousands may get infected now in the light of this ,the reality is that the consequences of a Lagos outbreak are enormous . but Nigeria has the worst timing for virtually everything ,it is when the possibility of an impending Ebola outbreak is highest is when the doctors of Nigeria decide to go on a strike. i just don’t know how and why and even who to blame, the entire system of government is terrible corrupt and it seems change is futile ,the System of government on its on is infected with its own Ebola virus with no apparent cure.

recently the very false news that bitter Kola has been found as the international cure for Ebola has been circulating ,that was one of the funniest things i had read this week ,please don’t believe it ,you cant just cure viral infections by eating foods, eating foods that boost the immune system will help the body to fight the disease,but usually viral infections are not cured by drugs,usually people can be vaccinated from a viral infection ,and even the vaccination doesn’t actually cure the disease it just helps the body’s natural immune system respond better and quicker to the viral infection. and vaccination are usually very effective in preventing the viral infection from taking over a persons body,if a person survives a viral infection they are very unlikely to ever have it again because the body in the course of fighting the infection finds a way of vaccinating itself ,that’s why you hear people say that if you get chicken or small pox
(which are all viral infections) ,you cant get it again .

so just know bitter Kola won’t cure Ebola ,its just a propaganda by the Bitter kola sellers to make more money,to me it sounds very funny,and by the way you should see a rise in hand Sanitizer sales, so if you are looking to make more money ,that’s the way to go.

Why are there Left handed and right Handed People ?

Has your Mama ever Given you a slap with her her Right hand or Giving you a slap with her left or has she giving you a slap with both hands at once ? if she slapped you with the left hand it is likely she is left handed if she slapped you with the right it is most likely she is right handed and if she you gave you with both hands at once  it is most definite that she doesn’t like you .

You are either left handed or Right handed 10-15% of the worlds population are Left handed and the Rest of Us are right handed , but some people can use both hands very well  they are said to Ambidextrous (The name sounds complex i would have prefered Both handed but i don’t come up with this things ),You may ask why is there a stronger hand and a weaker hand ? why can’t we be   Both handed ? well I don’t know !


fact is that most You are more likely to be President of the United states of america If you were left handed ,The Five of the Last 7 presidents of America were left handed, Yes including Obama ,I Don’t know about Goodluck Jonathan he is Probably Both handed with the Way he be Stirring the Country left and Right

People don’t really know why we have Dominant hands ,We are yet to find the A gene for hand Dominance ,But it seems its much more than genes some Twins sharing the same Genes may not share the same Dominant hand ,one may favour the Right hand and the other the left, There are a lot of  Theories on why We have Dominant hands but the Main theory is as a Result of the our Brains being Contralateral (As i said before i don’t come up with this Things) The brain is divided into two parts the Left Brain and the Right brain  .Actually Right half of our brains controls left half of the body, while left half of our the controls right half of the body. This working pattern is called contralateral control. The left Brain which is associated with language,logic and Reasoning controls the Right hand while The Right Brain Which is Associated with Emotions Music and creativity controls the Left hand . It makes sense that the Left brain which is Associated with language is also Associated with the Right hand which is used for Written language .Research has shown (Research not done by me Obviously) That Left handed people tend to process information Evenly across the Brain and in some cases  Completely on the Right side .

So there you have it .

Follow me @Tio_cruz on twitter

Example of  ambidextrous footballers : Franck RiberyAndrea PirloPedroAdriano CorreiaSanti CazorlaHernanesBoubacar Barry and Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Inception! Why do we Dream?

Have you Ever wondered Why We dream ,Well Neither have i ! ,well for Those who have wondered why we dream  this is Your Answer,Try not to fall asleep while reading this

Ever watched the Movie  inception ? ,A dream within a dream ? Leonardo DiCaprio ? well Neither have I .Everybody dreams ,and we do this every single time we go to sleep ,yes every single time ,you might Think you don’t dream anymore but thats not true you probably did not Remember the Dream ,if you don’t dream while sleeping that means you didn’t sleep at all. The main reason Why we dream is so that our Brains (for does of us that Have one) can sort memories  and keep your Head a tidy Place(thats why its good to sleep while you are still in school) It also helps in learning . skills and exercises that were practiced during the day are Usually practised in our heads again (That is why baby get the most sleep) . Thats Why your dreams are usually about things you have experienced or things you already Know,but Dreams are very spontaneous and unstable sometimes you dream about things you Never Thought about or things you never Done ,Thats our some new ideas are born ,inventions created and Paintings done .

Ideas for new breakthroughs ,Kekulé – of Molecules & Benzene Structure ,Elias Howe The Sewing Machine  were all gotten from sleep ,what if the Inventors drank coffee and didn’t get any sleep ,or had a late night inventing with MRS inventor ? they wouldnt have had the ideas,sleep is very important .While we sleep our Body Goes Through many changes ,like our Breathing becomes Slower and ah!the most important our muscles are paralyzed during sleep so we Might not Act out Events happening in you dream  ,like maybe somebody chasing us or we get into a fight ,the Partial Paralyzing effect is called muscle atonia and is very useful  if you sleep along side someone who Performs Martial Arts for a living .

As we all Know Most Dreams Are highly emotional And sometimes can turn to what we call Nightmares ,lots of people of any age have nightmares when they’re going through stressful times or they are very concerned about something specific. So, for example, if someone is worried about work related stuff they will have recurrent nightmares about being late for work or losing their job. People who are creative, sensitive and use their imagination during the day also have strange dreams or nightmares when they sleep. These dreams aren’t related to their daily lives.


Memories if our Dreams are Often Vague and Wrong .It is said that five minutes after the end of a dream, we have forgotten 50 percent of the dream’s content. Ten minutes later, we’ve forgotten 90 percent of its content. Why is that? We don’t forget our daily actions that quickly. The fact that they are so hard to remember makes their importance seem less.

Lucid Dreaming

A lucid dream is a dream in which you know you are dreaming. Typically this happens when the dreamer experiences something strange, and when they stop to question their reality, they realize they are in a dream. Lucid dreams happen naturally on occasion, although some people may have them naturally more often than others.A dream isn’t lucid unless you control it. 


How to Live forever

k-bigpicIf you clicked the link to the Article because you believed  there was a way hidden in this Article that could make you Live forever then i believe you are Quite Dumb ,But if you Clicked the Link out of some Old fashion Curiosity you are welcomed to read on.

this post might seem a little bit gloomy ,but i tried putting some comedy into it . Everybody wants to live Forever ,I want to live forever ,you want to live forever ,we all want to live forever except some people who might be tired of life or are mentally ill. One thing’s for sure we are all going to Die one day,No matter what you do .There are two ways of dying Disease and Physical Injuries (Technically nobody actually Dies of Old Age ,its just easier to Die When you are Older) .The Only closest we can come to increasing our lifespan is to Reduce the rate at which we Age ,the younger we are the less likely we are going to die .Some Animals live to be very Old ,some tortoises live to be like 150 years  Also some whales live to be pretty old ,almost 200 years  ,and there is the jellyfish(Turritopsis nutricula A.K.A  immortal jellyfishwhich is capable of completely reversing its aging process .pretty cool huh ? .you might be thinking well if thats so ,why can’t a radioactive jellyfish sting me so i can acquire some spiderman like powers ,they can call me Immortal man . if you were thinking that please go see a doctor. Jiroeman Kimura, a Japanese citizen is the Official Oldest person in the world ,there could be Older people ,But people who claim to be older than 110 probably don’t remember or even know the exact year they were Born.

Reason why we die

i will make this as simple as possible ,Our cells Divide,they divide into new cells ,and this new cells Divide into new cells,and so on , it gets to a point when this dividing cells start to make Errors in their Division ,these errors get bigger and bigger ,And your Body system gets weaker and less able to carry on basic task such as skin replacement ,kidney cell replacement ,red blood formation , then you die of something .

ways to live longer 

  1. MOVE TO JAPAN:With the highest healthy life expectancy in the world, 82.59 years (2011) , Canada life expectancy :80.93 years (2011),US life expectancy 78.64 years (2011) ,South africa life expectancy :52.62 years (2011), Nigeria life expectancy :51.86 years (2011) .
  2. Exercise : It is one of the most common things people will do ,and it also helps for longevity
  3. Get a better Diet : stop the junk food,stop the KFC stop the mcdonalds . eat healthier live longer
  4. Avoid smoking : you all know the saying smokers are liable to Die young . yes the probability of them dying is large and they are likely to die of Lung Cancer .Y.O.L.O , you better stop smoking
  5. Reduce stress : Avoid stress ,avoid a stressful career for a chance of living longer ,whats the use of the money if you don’t get to enjoy it
  6. Develop a sleep schedule: when you don’t sleep ,you risk your physical and mental health ,you know what they say early to bed late to to the Grave.(actually Nobody ever says that)
  7. Get routine checkups: Get routine check ups from the Hospital to make sure that you are OK
  8. The 8th and the most important way to Live longer is be following  @Tio_cruz on twitter ,Join almost a thousand people who are guaranteed over a 100 years lifespan(terms and conditions apply)

watch this Video –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqCo-McgHLw (Why we die)

Tio reviews : Android VS blackberry10 VS IOS6 VS Windows phone 8

If you are planning on getting a new Smartphone this is the Article that would define your decision, It’s the ancient battle between The Four Major Smartphone Operating systems, Android OS, IOS, Windows phone 8 and the Blackberry OS 10.These Operating systems are best suited for different people. Here is my review of all the Mobile Operating systems

Windows Phone 8 

windows-phone-8-start-screens Everybody knows windows ,and probably must have use the windows OS on a PC , the windows xp,Windows 7 and the windows 8 were the three latest windows OS to be released on the Pc ,with the windows 8 being the latest . The windows Brand has dominated the Pc world but not the Smartphone world ,The Windows 8 of the PC ,I believe is Quite clumsy the same can be said for the Windows Phone 8 OS .

1.) Simple Design : it has a very simple Design ,too simple !, it takes to fun and Glamour out of the smartphone Experience. There is no provision for background photos but there is a lock screen photo available, there are only two screens available for the home button . The live tile page and your list of app page ,you swipe to the left to view your app list on the right. basics-concept-app-list

I find this Very boring .I also Find the Tiles on the Home screen to be very plain but they do change their Contents by sliding and flipping which makes your homescreen look very active ,you can add as many tiles to the home screen as you want .But in All the User Interface is very clean and Text based if you love Organisation you would love The windows phone .Maybe i don’t know how to use the phone but Nokia lumia’s don’t allow you to search for some contents on your phone especially Music ,The Music app is fabulous Though.

2.) Notifications :They are called Toast Notifications , It is  Also very simple ,a Small text box appears at the top of your screen displaying the Notification message for some few seconds then it disappears . there is no collective record of your notifications. so if you missed the message. , you missed the message .

Toast notification

Toast notification

3.)applications : Applications Run very smoothly on the Windows Phones , But most Windows phones Have 1gb OF Ram or less ,which does not give room to plenty multitasking .The Windows phone store is still very much developing it can definately not compete with the google play store or Apple app store . It boast of about 130,000 apps ,while Apple and android have roughly about 800,000 Applications but apple having more Quality Apps. There is  still no instagram in the windows store ,and the twitter and facebook  application still have some bugs and design problems.

Watch A review of the Lumia 920  or Download to Mobile

Android Os

The most Widely used  in the World, it is Google’s pride and joy The android Os there are very many varieties of phones Running the Android OS. Samsung-Galaxy-S4-vs-HTC-One-01

1.)Design : The android software is the most customizable ,most Android phones allow up to 7 home screens .Widgets ,Folders and application shortcuts can be placed on any of the Homescreens.The android Os 4.2 also known as Jelly Bean as a very rich design and a cool User interface ,it also  allows Background photos . Maneuvering through the OS might take getting used to but ,it is quite Good

. 2.)Notifications: Master of the Art of Notifying . Some If not most Androids Have Notification LED lights (Those small blinking lights that Alert you of a notification , There is a central HUB for Notifications Although Not as Good As Blackberry’s Notification Hub. Android Notification Hub is full of messages from Third party Application and also inbuilt applications


3.)Applications : when it comes to Applications Google is Only rivaled by the Apple store But the Google play store has more downloads and Will soon Reach up to a Billion Application Downloads on all Devices Running the Android OS ,All popular applications are available on the Android OS and its Rumoured that even the Exclusive BBM (blackberry messenger ) is coming to The Google play store . Twitter for Android is much more evolved on the Android platform ,Later versions of Android Also provides Google Chrome(the Best web browser in the world.)

4.)Google: You might say you have never Used an Iphone before but you can never say you have never searched on google,Google is what Makes the Android so Beautiful ,you can search for virtually anything on the device and on the web ,Also Having a Google account allows you access to a Host of Google services such as Google maps,Gmail,Youtube,Google drive,Blogger,google books,google music Also Syncing (backing up of things/synchronising devices )is really  easy on the android especially the backing up of Contacts .

If you want to read more on Google on my Other Blog Click This 

Watch a review of Galaxy s4  Or download To mobile

Apple IOS

i would be reviewing the IOS6(Internet operating system six) which is the latest one ,I would say the ios is one of the best OS out there if not the best but nothing is perfect

1.) Design: it is very simple thats what makes it consumer friendly ,The Iphone is all about the Luxurious display Thats what compliments the Os ,The iphone  has a smaller screen than the popular androids(htc one and the samsung galaxy s4) meaning it has a larger pixel density .The iphone 5 now has 5 rows of apps and folders while its former had  4 ,and each folder can contain 16 app while its former 12.Changing Basic settings on the iphone Os has always been a hassle you have to go look for it in the settings App.


2.)Notification : The apple Notification center ,This is where the Widgets can be found ,there are new features for the IOS 6  Facebook and twitter are more Integrated with the IO6. The IOS6  notifications appear in two ways , as a banner and as a badge.They do tend to disturb ongoing applications ,but neither the less you can change their settings


3.)Applications : when it comes to applications nothing can match the Quantity of Quality applications in the Apple store . even i have to Admit It is  really Good when it comes to applications.Twitter and Facebook are well integrated but the Only bad thing about the Apple OS is the apple maps ,it still has so many problems and it would take a while before apple maps can catch up to google maps.The apple store Really favours the paid apps ,so its focus is usually on the Paid apps ,Apple is all about the money before you can have an Apple ID you must be able to provide payment details ,if you are looking for quality ,apple is the right place to go but you must be able to spend.

Watch a review of iphone 5 or download to mobile

Blackberry OS 10

I would be Brutally Honest this is a review of the Blackberry OS 1o ,any previous version of the BB10 i do not consider To be  a smartphone .It is the most recent of the Four smartphone Giants. With blackberry almost going bankrupt the blackberry OS 10 was their last hope of salvation


1.)Design: the blackberry has always been Designed for Business and will always will ,Blackberry remains loyal to its money making Customers ,also the blackberry OS 10 really is built for hand Gestures the most popular is the peek feature which allows you to pick at any messages you have waiting while you are in any other app .most people say its User interface is an Hybrid of Apple and Android most people were expecting some sort of Lawsuit against blackberry ,i know i was expecting one .But generally even though the Blackberry 10 was made for business it still has the ability to please the regular smartphone user.

2.)Notification :  The blackberry famous for its notification process has been reincarnated in the Blackberry OS into the blackberry hub ,An integration of all your notification feeds


Application : when it come to applications the blackberry app world is just catching up to the Windows phone store ,even though they are both underdogs when it comes to Apps.The blackberry is not yet a mature product for applications, applications make a device practical ,useful and entertaining Thats why i would recommend an android or apple device for a better smartphone experience. It is rumoured that the Research in motion Makers of blackberry smartphones are planning on bringing their flagship Application the BBM(blackberry messenger) to other platforms for free,seems like a risky move, but would you dump your Blackberry smartphone if BBM was available on other devices ?.

watch a review of the Z10 or download to mobile