My Thoughts on Life : Truth


I believe we are a product of our Genes and our Environments

The following words are my Thoughts on life, they are subject to Change as  is everything else  in the world ,a year ago i wasn’t thinking like this and a year from now I probably won’t be thinking like this and probably even hours after I publish this post my thinking could change completely ,please don’t judge me on any of my Thoughts .Because  these thoughts are subject to change and your thoughts on my thoughts are also subject to change.

Life is a beautiful thing, and death is actually the scariest thing Ever, The greatest fear of every sane  human is death .but what makes it so scary ? Fear of the Unknown ,I often ask myself  when I die will I go to Heaven ,hell or will I just cease to exist ?,each time I ask myself this question I always come up with a different answer .Always heard people saying they are trying  find the meaning to life ,I never truly grasped the meaning until now. What is the use of life when we will eventually die. When I was a lot younger ,I had a Theory that I was the only real person and everybody else were just items in my world and the Whole world existed because of me .it seems quite ridiculous to me as I think of it now but it was my philosophy while I was younger ,and I would have challenged anybody that tried to oppose it, because of this I have learned to never  hold  too strongly to a believe because  I  know after a couple of years ,my thinking could change radically .I am still relatively young and I have a lot to learn and  go through ,and I would probably laugh at myself when I re-Read this later in the Far future.

Man is a Social Animal and he must interact with other members of his community or society .and speaking on general terms unfortunately , truth is what a community Identifies has the truth ,if a majority of people believe that something is the Truth then it is the truth for anybody else living in that society,and that’s why the killing of twins can be seen as the right thing to do because that is what the majority of that people believe and that’s what everybody in that community has to accept .Everybody wants to fit in and going against a general idea will not achieve that and if you go against this general idea you would be persecuted and seen as an outsider and or a misfit , and that is why what the majority of a Society perceives as the right thing  ,is what everybody in that society has to accept as the Truth .

You might think all I have been saying is Non-sense or you might also think what I have been saying is not Non-sense ,but what is Non-sense actually ? something that does not make sense or agree with the way things are ? .but your perception of Non-sense may not be my perception of  non-sense ,so whose non-sense is the Right non-sense ,yours? Mine? His ? hers? .well I believe there is no absolute nonsense ,no absolute sense and what am actually  trying to say Is ,I believe there is no absolute Truth . and truth is relative to whoever accepts it .you might believe shaking somebody Else’s hand with your left hand is wrong ,I might believe it doesn’t matter ,but who is right ?

I  believe we are both right, shaking with the left hand is right to that individual and it doesn’t matter to me .Both are true because we exist, because our minds have ascertained that it is truth ,I believe truth is in consciousness ,and what the conscious mind ascertains as the truth Is the Truth ,it is actually the Truth until I change my mind or I die.

I have said a lot now ,but all i have said, is it True ? well it is true to me but it may not be true to you ,if you think I am wrong ,I also believe we are both correct . I being wrong is the Truth to you and I being right is the Truth to me and i am simultaneously both Right and wrong relative to both of us  .and that’s what I believe. You might not accept it but it is what I believe .and in conclusion I also believe my beliefs are not the Absolute truth and is only true to me ,and it has no grounds on being the universal or absolute truth. it is actually a paradox ,but nothing in life makes perfect sense but to understand all i have said ,you must really grasp the concept of Relativity .


Thank you for reading.

How to Live forever

k-bigpicIf you clicked the link to the Article because you believed  there was a way hidden in this Article that could make you Live forever then i believe you are Quite Dumb ,But if you Clicked the Link out of some Old fashion Curiosity you are welcomed to read on.

this post might seem a little bit gloomy ,but i tried putting some comedy into it . Everybody wants to live Forever ,I want to live forever ,you want to live forever ,we all want to live forever except some people who might be tired of life or are mentally ill. One thing’s for sure we are all going to Die one day,No matter what you do .There are two ways of dying Disease and Physical Injuries (Technically nobody actually Dies of Old Age ,its just easier to Die When you are Older) .The Only closest we can come to increasing our lifespan is to Reduce the rate at which we Age ,the younger we are the less likely we are going to die .Some Animals live to be very Old ,some tortoises live to be like 150 years  Also some whales live to be pretty old ,almost 200 years  ,and there is the jellyfish(Turritopsis nutricula A.K.A  immortal jellyfishwhich is capable of completely reversing its aging process .pretty cool huh ? .you might be thinking well if thats so ,why can’t a radioactive jellyfish sting me so i can acquire some spiderman like powers ,they can call me Immortal man . if you were thinking that please go see a doctor. Jiroeman Kimura, a Japanese citizen is the Official Oldest person in the world ,there could be Older people ,But people who claim to be older than 110 probably don’t remember or even know the exact year they were Born.

Reason why we die

i will make this as simple as possible ,Our cells Divide,they divide into new cells ,and this new cells Divide into new cells,and so on , it gets to a point when this dividing cells start to make Errors in their Division ,these errors get bigger and bigger ,And your Body system gets weaker and less able to carry on basic task such as skin replacement ,kidney cell replacement ,red blood formation , then you die of something .

ways to live longer 

  1. MOVE TO JAPAN:With the highest healthy life expectancy in the world, 82.59 years (2011) , Canada life expectancy :80.93 years (2011),US life expectancy 78.64 years (2011) ,South africa life expectancy :52.62 years (2011), Nigeria life expectancy :51.86 years (2011) .
  2. Exercise : It is one of the most common things people will do ,and it also helps for longevity
  3. Get a better Diet : stop the junk food,stop the KFC stop the mcdonalds . eat healthier live longer
  4. Avoid smoking : you all know the saying smokers are liable to Die young . yes the probability of them dying is large and they are likely to die of Lung Cancer .Y.O.L.O , you better stop smoking
  5. Reduce stress : Avoid stress ,avoid a stressful career for a chance of living longer ,whats the use of the money if you don’t get to enjoy it
  6. Develop a sleep schedule: when you don’t sleep ,you risk your physical and mental health ,you know what they say early to bed late to to the Grave.(actually Nobody ever says that)
  7. Get routine checkups: Get routine check ups from the Hospital to make sure that you are OK
  8. The 8th and the most important way to Live longer is be following  @Tio_cruz on twitter ,Join almost a thousand people who are guaranteed over a 100 years lifespan(terms and conditions apply)

watch this Video – (Why we die)

Lmfao -there is a website that sells reservation tickets to heaven

The Internet is a strange place …Stranger than Fiction I came across this website On the internet Capture6 they claim to have reservation Tickets to Heaven, I will not impose any judgment on any Religious but………This is a total ripoff, I researched on the website and  found out they get Millions of customers Each month,that is hard to believe but its true ,they are some people that are very heaven conscious, too heaven conscious it cost about 12 dollars  Capture jpoj[p   If you die and dont make it to heaven they offer a money back guarantee If you die and dont make it to heaven they offer a money back guarantee  ,Lol can this get funnier pj;o   You get an Id. kljnla satisfied customer

watch this Video on the strangest Money making products