Career Advice for HIGHSCHOOL students in NIgeria

Am really not qualified to be giving career advice ,or any advice at all but all the same this may help ,this career advice is for people who wish to continue their tertiary Education in NIgeria(they probably don’t want to but they have to due to very Foreseen circumstances ) my advice goes to people who are writing WAEC Or who just wrote UTME(JAMB) and are confident of their success, this advice is not for people who fail Waec,Neco,Gce on a regular or took the UTME(jamb) for the 5th time please if you are in this category do not read this article and Delete your twitter,facebook,instagram,keek accounts and sell your phone because in a couple of years time you won’t be able to afford internet subscriptions or have friends or dignity
Advice number 1
if you plan on having a fulltime career such as photography,modelling,designing or music
All i can say is Good luck
But be careful

Advice No.2
you must know what you wanna do like me i always wanted to be a theoretical physicist until i found out they don’t make much so much money and i do love my money so i switched to medicine but money shouldn’t be your motive you must balance money with what you want to do but remember ” if you do what you want to do and you don’t have money to do other things what is the point of doing what you want to do. ”

doctor_holding money

Advice no.2
If you dont want to be like this man


DO you see what he is doing in the photo ,NO he is not licking an ice cream or eating a pizza or taking his Family to the beach,he is regretting and what you don’t wanna do is regret to avoid this phenomenon called regret you should go to people already practicing the career you wish to go in and ask them simple questions ask them how they cope with the job,do they like it,how did they enjoying studying it in school you should also ask them to buy you an Iphone and a macbook pro if they agree to buy those things on the spot then you know thats the career for you ,if they don’t it becomes more of a serious choice .

to look at you health and look into the future see what kind of environment do you want your Future family (wife/husband and children) to keep up with. do you want to be working all day and night long like most surgeons do ,or do you want a daily job with the weekends off , you decide and pray to God for guidance.

But really the advices don’t matter do whatever you want .

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