What is the color of water

Water has no color. It appears to be blue in large quantities because blue is the widest color of the light spectrum and the water also reflects the sky above it.

Different colors can penetrate deeper into the water. Red is the color that can be seen the furthest down into the water because red light has the shortest wavelength and the most energy. This is why fishermen sometimes use red lures to catch large fish in deep waters, because the red lures are the only things that can be seen.

North Korea

The story Of Northern Korea is a funny one ,north korea’s current supreme leader is kim jong un ,kim jong un is the son of the very popular dictator kim jong il
kim jong il died in 2011 and is son kim jong un took over in 2011 and who is currently planning to bomb The USA and southern Korea . North Korea is one of the most secretive countries in the world if not the most secretive. kim jong il was the most wierd of all dictactors
he was treated like a God that can do anything just like chuck norris,but unlike like chuck norris he actually dies. Kim jong il had various wild and false facts about him facts about him

1. Kim Jong-Il “coached” the 2010 Korean World Cup soccer team with an invisible phone
2. In 2004, Kim Jong-Il claimed to have invented the hamburger
3. Kim Jong-nam, the oldest son of Kim Jong-Il, was originally going to replace his father but lost his chance after a “botched attempt” to visit Japan’s Disneyland(“In 2001, Kim Jong-nam and his entourage were detained at Narita airport, en route to Tokyo Disneyland. Kim had attempted to enter the country on a forged Dominican Republic passport, using the Chinese name Pang Xiong – Fat Bear. “)
4. Kim Jong-Il once attempted to ship all the short people out of North Korea :”Jong-il’s government issued a letter to every short man and woman in the city, telling them of a new wonder drug which would boost them to average, if not beyond — but, when the short people arrived, they found no drug present. Rather, they found themselves kidnapped, whisked away to parts unknown, in an attempt to rid Pyongyang’s gene pool of their substandard stature. These people were never heard from again.”
5. Kim Jong-Il “routinely shoots 3-4 hole-in-ones” every time he plays golf
6.Kim Jong-Il’s favorite movies were Friday the 13th, Rambo, and Godzilla
7.When he was forced to give up cigarettes for health reasons, Kim Jong-Il forced the entire country to do the same – effectively banning them:He has also banned “mobile phones, newspapers, the internet and books.”(crazy ass nigga aint he one)
8.Kim Jong-Il’s biography claims his birth was “foretold by a swallow and heralded by a glorious double rainbow and the appearance of a new star”